A - crazy
P - popular with all types of people
P - popular with all types of people
L - is a very good kisser
E - has gorgeous eyes

Y - is loved by everyone
E - has gorgeous eyes
A - crazy
P - popular with all types of people

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Vivi babe...how u now?

v long time no chat edi...

u din on msn...haiz...

sometimes be4 i slp i will missing u...

but i dunnoe y u dunwan buy a hp(coz ur hp lost jor)


i really very miss u...

do u hearing me??

pls reply me if u see tis post...


i really really miss u...

now i noe i m wrong...

tat time i dunnoe how to care u...

pls gv me a chance~

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